August 13

Twitter: A Teacher’s Love Story

It all happened one summer…last summer, actually.  I was curious what all the commotion was about Twitter.  I even felt like the administration at my school was encouraging the use of Twitter.  Why?  Would they encourage us to use FaceBook?   There had to be something to it…and there was!  Nothing has influenced me more in my 10 years as an educator than Twitter–more specifically, the #mtbos (that is Math Teach Blog-O-Sphere).  I love collaborating with teachers, especially my Math Pal across the hall; but, imagine having the best educators in the country, no…world, across the hall?!?  That’s what Twitter has done for me.  I hope to share my new found love affair with the elementary and middle school teachers @CrystalLakeSD47s at their #translit47 conference tomorrow.   I’ve attached the link to my presentation HERE.  It starts very basic and builds.  I’m no pro, but I can help you get started!

If you haven’t stepped off the ledge with Twitter, maybe you might now?  Start by following me!  I’m @mrsjtweetsmath .  See you around the Blog-O-Sphere!